What’s new here

As I mentioned in the previous post, I’ve made some tweaks to the site that brought it more in line with what I wanted when I moved to WordPress: a better showcase for the work I’m doing across many platforms. The navbar at the top of the site will take you into pages on ourmaninchicago.net that show you what I’m doing on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram (you can also see my LinkedIn profile or grab my RSS feed). Widgets in the right rail will also display that content. I’m pretty pleased with the Tumblr and Instagram widgets (these are powered by the WP Tumblr and Instagram for WordPress plugins, respectively) but the Twitter widget is a bit of an eyesore. Tried a few different ones without much success and landed on Twitter Widget Pro because it was the only one that allowed me to filter out @ replies and actually worked. It’s not perfect but as my wife says “Don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the good.”

I’m doing all this not to create a walled garden but to provide a peek at those spaces for people who are interested and might want to follow me there. (I’m ourmaninchicago on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram if you do.) It also keeps the site from looking so dead and me from looking so lazy.

I don’t want to duplicate here what I’m doing in those various spaces – though you can see I experimented a bit with creating posts from Instagram pictures (Instagrate for WordPress makes this really easy). I’m a big believer in writing or creating content specific to a platform, which is why I’ve decided to mostly reserve this space for longer-form content or stuff that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere else.

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